‘Youth Is A Veritable Tool In Reshaping The Future Of The Legal Profession’ – Auta Nyada

Past Secretary Young Lawyers Forum (YLF) Governing Council and Member, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Welfare Committee, Auta Nyada has said that young Lawyers are a great tool in reshaping the future of the legal profession. He said this in a congratulatory message to the leadership and members of the Young Lawyers’ Forum on the occasion of their annual Summit.
Read the message below:
I warmly congratulate the Young Lawyers’ Forum of the Aba Branch on the occasion of their annual Summit.
I commend you not only for the hosting of the Summit but also for the choice of the theme, “Building a successful legal career and expanding legal minds; Prospects for Young Lawyers”. In today’s ever changing world, the future of the legal profession and its prospects for young lawyers necessitates a discourse such as this.
Euripides once said “who so neglects learning in his youth loses the past and is dead to the future”. There is no better time for young lawyers, such as yourselves, to gather to discuss what the future of the legal profession holds for you as well as to expand your minds in preparation for such future.
I therefore think it is laudable that you have not only deemed it necessary to have this discussion, as expressed in the theme, but also gone further to invest valuable time and resources to host what I can only believe will be a successful Summit.
Pearl S. Buck is quoted as having said that “the young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation”. Your youth is a veritable tool in reshaping the future of the legal profession and positioning yourself favorably in that future. I therefore urge you to harness this tool to the fullest.