Foreign News

Wealthy Lawyer Buys An Entire Village In Italy, Renovates It And Shares Transformation Photos

A Scottish lawyer and businessman, Cesidio Di Ciacca, has finally renovated Borgo I Ciacca, a rural village which was named after his family.

In an interview with CNN, Ciacca opened up about the reason he bought and renovated the entire village in Italy. Ciacca said years ago, they migrated to Scotland, leaving behind their home village which fell into oblivion for half a century.

“It was a ghost place. I started recovering it more than 10 years ago. It was a huge task but now it is finally alive again”, he said.

Ciacca made enough money as a lawyer and consultant, and subsequently decided to go back to his village and restore its lost glory.

The area which was formerly dominated by dilapidated farmer stone dwellings, barns and windowless storage rooms with cracked doors and unstable steps, has now been transformed into pastel-colored buildings with a circular panoramic path overlooking green hills.

Speaking on the reason he loves his roots so much, Di Ciacca said: “My family never lost touch with its origins,” he says.

“Each summer, as a kid, my parents would bring me here to visit our relatives. As I grew up my visits became more frequent until I decided to embark on a life mission to fully reconnect with my roots and bring back from the grave our family borgo [village].”

Acquiring the village was not easy Di Ciacca said buying the entire village was not easy because he had to track down all the 140 owners of each land. It was indeed a long and complicated process and it became more difficult due to the fact that emigration had scattered them across the world.

The lawyer had to work hard to convince several relatives to give away their portions of the village. Even though they had no use for the properties, they were reluctant to sell for sentimental reasons.

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