
Unfolding Humility Of Service In The Holy Week – By CHIDI UDEKWE

Holy Thursday has two major celebrations which takes place namely: The Chrism Mass in which all the priests of every Catholic Dioceses of the world will gather with their respective bishops in their cathedrals for the blessing of the 3 OILS that are OFFICIALLY used in the Catholic Church and are only in the possession of Priests and Bishops. They are; the Oil of Chrism (used for baptism, confirmation, ordination and dedication of Churches). The Oil of the Catechumen (Used also during baptism) and The Oil of the Sick (Used on those who are sick and on old people).

The 2nd event generally is The Lord’s Supper being the celebration of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his Apostles during which he instituted the “Holy Eucharist and then Washed the Feet of the Apostles”

It is this 2nd activity that signifies what leadership is akin to. It symbolises love and most importantly humility and service. Jesus, even as a leader had the humility to wash his followers feet, depicting how humble and selfless a leader should be. Since Jesus is our model as Christians, we should do all to emulate him even as leaders.

Thus, a successful leader is one who’s personal character shows that he lives with honesty and integrity; has will, passion and desire to succeed; possess a willingness to shoulder the responsibility for success and failure; is innovative and open to new ideas; is not willing to accept the ways things are because they can always be improved; is never satisfied completely with the status quo; is smart, intelligent and emotionally strong; is confident without being arrogant; is decisive when necessary; learns quickly;  is comfortable with ambiguity; is willing to be original and respectful to all among other things.

Knowing the full extent of the above checklist reminds us of certain leadership behaviours to be considered while supporting any candidate in the forthcoming Branch and National elections of NBA.

So, as the Holy week keeps unfolding, tomorrow being Good Friday and Holy Saturday coming up as well as the Easter celebration, let’s go about our activities meditatively and silently waiting for the RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST who we strive to emulate his leadership qualities.

Remain blessed.

Chidi Udekwe ESQ

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