Nigerian Lawyers

The NBA-ICLE, Allen & Overy And Nigeria LNG Ltd Training: The Future Of Legal Practice In Nigeria Vis-A-Vis Challenges And Opportunities Of Structuring For Tech Innovation


Looking forward to the future is something innate in us as humans. For those of us engaged in the business of practicing law, we are called to shape that future using our skills, our knowledge, and our experience. The NBA-ICLE, in keeping with its mandate, has been at the vanguard of continuing professional development for Nigerian lawyers and has provided numerous trainings on diverse areas of law to ensure that Nigerian lawyers have the skills and the knowledge to confront and shape the future.

It is in this spirit that the NBA-ICLE is partnering with Allen & Overy and Nigeria LNG Limited to provide a training on the ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Structuring Tech for Innovation.’

The rapid pace of technological advancement has created both opportunities and challenges for the practice of law. These opportunities and challenges require legal practitioners to stay updated with the latest technological developments, to understand how they impact business and peoples’ lives, and to acquire the knowledge and skills that will enable them exploit the opportunities and manage the challenges. Without these skills, Nigerian lawyers will continue to lose market share to lawyers and law firms from other jurisdictions that have the technical skills, requisite network, and financial capabilities to exploit those opportunities on a global scale.

Acquiring the skills, knowledge, and network requires sustained effort by each lawyer interested in these rapidly evolving areas of practice. Lawyers must therefore be proactive and demonstrate individual initiative to learn. It is our view that increased exposure will make the individual lawyer more competitive and more marketable in an increasingly liberalised and globalised market for legal services.

We are determined to do all within our capabilities to expose Nigerian lawyers to global developments and also provide foundational training in emerging areas of practice. We remain grateful to Akin Gump Straus & Feld, MCDermott Will & Emery, Bracewell and all the other foreign firms that have collaborated with us and continue to collaborate with us.

This NBA-ICLE/ NLNG NNLA/ Allen & Overy training is the latest in the NBA-ICLE’s capacity building offerings. By participating in it, lawyers can enhance their capabilities and contribute to a more innovative and future-oriented legal profession in Nigeria.

The session will be held virtually on Monday 5th June 2023 between 2pm and 4pm.
Participation is free but registration is required.  Click here to register in advance for the training.  The slots for this session are, unfortunately, limited.

Kind regards

Tobenna Erojikwe
Chairman, Board of NBA
Institute of Continuing Legal Education

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