Lawyers' Events

Sights And Sounds Of The Y.C. Maikyau SAN End Of Year Party

The Law firm of Y. C. Maikyau & Co, whose Principal is the Chairman of the NBA Welfare Committee, yesterday hosted a well attended and fun filled annual End of Year Barbecue event.

This year’s edition which was dedicated to Young Lawyers was held at the JD Leisure Events Center, opposite A-Class Park, Kashim Ibrahim Way, Wuse 2, Abuja and had a very large crowd of both young and senior lawyers in attendance.

The host, Y. C. Maikyau SAN was his usual convivial self as he fraternised with the guests, taking pictures and making sure everyone was well attended to.

The guests who came in from within and outside Abuja filled the main auditorium of the event centre and the outside grounds; and had a wonderful time of good dining, wining, music and dance.




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