Nigerian Lawyers
NBA Notice: Call For Articles For Publication In Volume 13 Of The Nigerian Bar Journal

The Editorial Board of the Nigerian Bar Association (“NBA”) calls for well-researched papers in diverse areas of law with contemporary relevance, for publication in the Nigerian Bar Journal. The Nigerian Bar Journal is a flagship publication of the Nigerian Bar Association. The Journal seeks to promote the development of law and jurisprudence and welcomes manuscripts from all stakeholders in the legal profession and the social sciences, even from an interdisciplinary perspective. This may be in the form of full-length articles, short notes, case comments, statute reviews or Bills analyses especially from the National Assembly. Articles published in the Journal are subjected to rigorous peer-review to ensure that they provide original analyses of the issues considered, in a manner that interests the academia, the Bar, the Bench, and other relevant stakeholders.
Please note that the Editorial Board will only consider papers for publication where they comply with the following guidelines:
1. The manuscript must be in Microsoft Word format with font 12 size using Times New Roman character, typed in U.K English and with 1.5 line spacing on A4 paper.2. All referencing must be done with automatic footnoting using font size of 10, numbered consecutively and in accordance with the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) citation style, fourth edition. The OSCOLA citation style can be assessed at 3. The manuscript or contribution must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere.4. Contributions shall be between seven thousand to ten thousand words in the case of full-length articles; and not more than five thousand words in the case of short articles which may be statutes reviews, Bills analyses or case comments. In any case, the number of words shall be inclusive of footnotes.5. The body of the manuscript shall commence with an abstract of not more than 200 words before the introduction, with key words immediately after the abstract.6. The manuscript submitted does not infringe copyright or is defamatory, obscene or otherwise unlawful or litigious.
Please be informed that all submitted manuscript shall be subjected to blind peer review. As such, the names and institutions of the Author should not be included at the head of the manuscript, except the title of the manuscript. Instead, these shall be on a title page which shall contain the title of the manuscript, the name of the Author with qualifications obtained, the Author’s institutional affiliation, professional and/or academic status and email address.
To be considered for Vol. 13 No. 1 of 2023 of the Journal, all articles must be received by the Editorial Committee on or before 31st May 2023. All papers should be clearly marked for the attention of Chairman of the Editorial Board and sent to nbaeditorialboard@nigerianbar.
For more information on the Nigerian Bar Journal, please contact the Chairman of the Editorial Committee-Prof. U.U. Chukwumaeze, SAN on: 08036670053; or the Secretary of the Editorial Board-Raymond Nkannebe ACIArb on 08068271477.
Raymond Nkannebe, ACIArb.
Secretary, NBA Editorial Board.