Nigerian Lawyers

NBA Lagos Law Week: Auta Nyada Lauds Choice Of Theme

It is with every sense of respect and camaraderie that I congratulate the leadership of the Premier Bar: NBA Lagos Branch for painstakingly keeping faith with the age-old tradition of the Bar and putting together such a phenomenal Law week.

The theme, “Democracy and Legal Order: Shaping the Future” couldn’t have come at a better time. This is so because a clinical review of the times we live in as a nation, where court orders are flouted with reckless abandon by those who should uphold and respect them, and with the raging increase in conflicting and embarrassing court orders, the painful surge in kidnapping & banditry which has senselessly ravaged every part of our country while the victims of this vile criminality have been mostly left in despair, one cannot help but agree that the theme of this law week couldn’t have been better timed.

Democracy provides and allows conflicts in society to be resolved by rational argument and persuasion rather than by violent coercion, and the rule of law not the rule of might is the spinal chord of every democracy, without which we are reduced to savagery. It therefore goes without saying, that maintaining legal order is the only pathway to shaping a great future for us as a nation.

This is a call to action, a great reawakening for the legal profession to uphold, encourage and entrench the theme of this law week in our little circles of influence. We must not let our little light blow out, we must rescue our dear nation Nigeria through our actions and to this end, I wish all attendees a rewarding and impactful deliberation.

God bless NBA.
God bless the NBA Lagos branch.
God bless Nigeria.


Auta Nyada is a member of the NBA National Welfare Committee.

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