Lawyers' EventsNigerian Lawyers

NBA-AGC 2023: Annual General Meeting Holds Today, Join Physically Or Virtually [Click Link Here]


You are now reminded of the Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Bar Association scheduled to be held on the 31st of August, 2023, at the velodrome of the M.K.O Abiola Stadium, Abuja, by 10am prompt.

See below the 2022-2023 Annual Report, Statutory Reports and Financial Statements.

For those who will be unable to attend the Annual General Meeting physically, kindly see below the link to join the meeting virtually:

N.B: Please note that the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the Nigerian Bar Association 2015 (as Amended in 2021) are on pages 268 – 396, while the explanatory notes are also on pages 397 – 495, respectively.

Thank you.
Adesina Adegbite, FICMC
General Secretary.

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