
“Lawyers Must Prioritize Health, Well-being” – Afam Okeke

Working as a Lawyer can be exciting, intriguing and rewarding. But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it is the fact it can also be stressful.

Lawyers often spend long hours cooped up in an office and huddled over a computer or stacks of documents. We also tend to keep long hours and have little control over our schedules.  Therefore, while exercise is important for everyone, it might be particularly crucial for lawyers.

The benefits of regular exercise cannot be overemphasised. It helps the body and mind be more efficient and strong. It  can improve our overall health and wellness. It is therefore imperative that every Lawyer finds time to fit in an exercise routine.

The Abuja branch (Unity bar) has continued to promote the work life balance for its members by organising monthly fitness events. Just last Saturday, It treated its members to an aerobics class at the bar and bench house in Wuye, Abuja.

In attendance were over 50 branch members including  Prof Paul Idornigie SAN, Moses A. Ebute SAN and Chairman of the branch, Afam O. Okeke. Participants received complimentary copies of the 2023 NBA Abuja Branch Diary.

Speaking to TheMetroLawyer (TML), Okeke called on Lawyers to prioritize their health and well-being.

If you need more reasons to join the next exercise session of the Unity bar, then read on.

Benefits of Exercise for Lawyers
1. Exercise reverses the adverse effects of stress
2. It boosts your mood
3. It improves learning and memory
4. Improves self esteem
5. Regular exercise can ward off depression
6. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke
7. Can help  keep your thinking, learning, and judging skills sharp throughout your life.

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