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Lawyers Got Talent At 18th Annual International Business Law Conference Submission Deadline Extended

Lawyers Got Talent (LGT) 2.0 is back with a bang!

Under the direction of Johnson Amaechi, Esq., Chair of the Logistics & Entertainment Sub-committee, the much-awaited sequel is set to captivate audiences once again.

Following the phenomenal success of its predecessor, the SBL is delighted to present another unforgettable edition. Brace yourself for a spectacular showcase as talented legal professionals take the stage to display their exceptional abilities. This year’s LGT 2.0 will be held as part of the 18th Annual International Business Law Conference, scheduled from June 26th to 28th, 2024, in the dynamic city of Abuja. To register for the conference and gather more details, visit

Anticipate an evening brimming with entertainment, thrills, and perhaps a few surprises!

How to Participate:

Those interested should create a 60-second video demonstrating their talents, save the video on Google Drive, and email the link to

Ensure to include your full name, phone number, year of call, SCN number, and proof of conference payment along with the Google Drive link.

Participants must ensure that the video sharing settings allow access for judging purposes.

Important Note:

The deadline for submissions has been extended to May 16, 2024.

Get ready to witness unparalleled talent at Lawyers Got Talent 2.0, an event poised to be extraordinary.

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