
How Much Do Lawyers Make In Australia? – Lawyer Salaries In Australia – By JIMMY SINGH

On 17 July 2020, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) released the statistics report on the average income based on occupation (and state) for income year 2017/18.

The 2017/18 ATO report was based upon millions of 2018 income tax returns in respect to millions of individuals, and hundreds of thousands of corporations.

In a nutshell, the report revealed the top paying jobs or occupations in Australia, and in each State and Territory.

The report also revealed the gender gap in income between males and females for certain occupations.

Interestingly, despite public perception, lawyers didn’t even make it in the top 5 paying jobs in Australia. Lawyers earned an average yearly income of $127,321. Female lawyers earned an average income of $112, 731, whilst male lawyers earned an average income of $148,487.


Occupation Average Yearly
1. Surgeon $402,582
2. Anaesthetist $382,674
3. Internal Medicine Specialist $301,129
4. Financial Dealer $272,895
5. Psychiatrist $225,206
6. Other medical practitioners $215,728
7. Judicial or other legal professionals $184,958
8. Mining Engineer $179,288
9. CEO or Managing Director $170,336
10. Engineering Manager $156,015


Lawyers include solicitors, barristers, Magistrates and Judges in Australia.

How much do lawyers earn or how much do lawyers make in Australia? Below is a table outlining the average income of solicitors, Magistrates and Judges based on gender.

Average income for 2017/18 financial year- Judges, Magistrates and solicitors

Occupation Female Male
Judge $380,009 $410,778
Magistrate $277,129 $272,394
Lawyer (Solicitor) $112,731 $148,487
Intellectual property lawyer, Patent or Trade Mark Lawyer $109,741 $174,837


How much do barristers make and what is the salary of a barrister? Below is a table outlining the average income of barristers based on gender.

Average income for 2017/18 financial year- Barristers

Occupation Female Male
Barrister $70,227 $190,454

The statistics reflect that female Judges are getting paid less than male Judges, while female Magistrates are getting paid more than male Magistrates in the 2017/18 financial year.

It also shows that in the same year, female barristers are getting paid much less than male barristers, creating a significant gender inequality.

Top 3 Jobs Where Females Get Paid More than Males

The below is an outline on the top 3 jobs that females are dominating in with a higher yearly average income than males in the financial year 2017/18.

Jobs where Females Earn More than Males

Occupation Females Average Income Male Average Income
Author $89,593 $70,363
Magistrate $277,129 $272,394
Pro Surfer $81,635 $52,834

Average Income Across Males and Females

The below table outlines the average income and median income across males and females between financial years 2016/17 and 2017/18.

Average and Median Pay Across Male and Female

2016/17 2017/18
Female Pay Male Pay Female Pay Male Pay
Average Income $48,118 $69,278 $49,922 $71,917
Median Income $37,908 $52,376 $39,058 $54,252

The Highest Paying Areas in Each State and Territory

The following outlines the highest average earning area or postcode in each of Australia’s States and Territories for 2017/18 financial year.

Highest earning areas in Australia

2017/18 Income Year
State and Are Average Yearly Pay
NSWDouble Bay (Post Code: 2028) $242,428
Queensland (Post Code: 4007)Ascot, Hamilton, Hamilton Central $108,288
ACT (Post Code: 2603)Forrest, Griffith, Manuka, Red Hill $115,723
Tasmania (Post Code: 7469)Granville Harbour, Renison Bell, Trial Harbour, Zeehan, Underwood $85,030
Victoria (Post Code: 3142)Hawksburn, Toorak $196,816
South Australia (Post Code: 5061)Hyde Park, Malvern, Unley, Unley Bc, Unley Dc, Unley Park $98,497
Western Australia (Post Code: 6011)Cottesloe, Peppermint Grove $167,090
Northern Territory (Post Code: 885)Alyangula $86,277

What are the Sources of Personal Income?

For the financial year 2016/17, 13.7 million people submitted their tax returns. From this, the aggregate person income was $856.2 billion.

From that, the median pay amounted to $48,360, which had increased by 1.4% from the year prior.

Income as an employee was the largest contributor to the total income, being 87.2%, which had reduced from 87.6% the year prior.

76.9% of those people received income as an employee, as their main income course. This was an increase from the year prior (76.7%). Employee income is considered their main source of pay.

The largest income source was also employee income- it had a median of $49,083. This was an increase from the previous year (by 1.4%).

The second highest income source was income derived from superannuation. This income source had a median of $20,669 (being a 3.7% increase from the previous year).

What’s the Statistics on Jobs and Employment in Australia?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reveal that in 2016/17 financial year, 19.2 million people had ‘job relationships’.

From this, 89.5% of jobs were employees, whilst 10.5% of jobs were ‘owner managers’. 74.8% were jobs from the private sector, and 17% were jobs from the public sector.

In the same financial year 2016/17, the ABS outline that the highest employee jobs were people in the age bracket 25 to 29, comprising 2.6 million roles. Amongst this group, males held 52.2% of the jobs, while females held a little less at 47.8%.

As at June 2020, estimate of employment increased by 210,800. Between May and June of 2020, there’s been a 249,500 people increase in part-time employment, with a 38,100 people decrease in full-time employment.

Which Industries Have the Most Jobs?

For the financial year 2016/17, the following industries hold the highest number of jobs in Australia, by order from first to last.

Top 5 industries with the most jobs

1. Social Assistance and Health Care
2. Retail Trade
3. Administrative and Support Services
4. Retail Trade
5. Education & Training

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Below are the answers to some of the most common and interesting questions.


The type of lawyer you will need will depend on the type of legal issue you’re faced with.

For example, if you live in Sydney, and you’re facing a criminal charge, you’ll need to get in touch with experienced Sydney criminal lawyers.

If you’re purchasing a business or property, you’ll need to get in touch with a business or property lawyer.

Some people often go straight to a general lawyer.

A general lawyer is similar to a GP doctor, where the GP will have general expertise and knowledge, but for something more complex, you will be referred to a specialist. This concept also applies to lawyers.

Some lawyers practice across all or most areas of law, including property, family law, commercial law, traffic and criminal law.

However, other lawyers specialise only in one or two areas of law. Those who specialise only in a particular area of law, such as criminal law will most likely have the most amount of knowledge and skill in that area. This will be due to the fact that they regularly work in that particular area of law, developing a high level of knowledge and experience.


There are many law firms across our nation. From large, medium to small, practicing in various areas of law to specialising in only one area of law.

The best law firm in Australia will depend on many factors, including the area of law it specialises in, capability of providing a highly personalised service at an affordable costs, and the level of experience, knowledge and skill-set of the law firm.

The best law firm in Australia will ultimately depend on the market that the law firm caters to.

A person who has been injured at work, and left incapable of earning an income will need a compensation law firm.

A person charged with a criminal offence will need a criminal law firm.

And, a person who is going through a separation or divorce will need a family law firm.

There are many great law firms in Australia, the best law firm for you and your individual case will the one that can provide you the greatest amount of value at an affordable price. The value it should provide includes, the level of skill, experience, knowledge, and time it can spend on your case. It also includes, transparency and level of communication.

Some law firms will help you pick them for being the best by working hard to win awards to reflect their excellence in the profession.


Experienced criminal lawyers appear in court almost regularly, representing clients across all criminal matters including murder, drugs, assaults, fraud, and even traffic cases.

All criminal lawyers usually go to court for their clients because a criminal charge issued by police always requires the client to attend court to face the allegations. In those circumstances, a criminal lawyer usually represents the charged person in court to protect their clients’ rights and interests in order to put their clients in the best possible position.

Criminal lawyers’ will also speak on behalf of their clients in court. This means that their clients won’t need to speak in court, unless electing to give evidence in court in a trial or hearing.

Amongst all the types of lawyers, including commercial, civil, compensation, family, property to criminal lawyers, the lawyers who appear in court the most often, usually every weekday are criminal lawyers.

A good criminal lawyer is a well trained court advocate who is basically similar to a barrister.


Lawyer and attorney are often used interchangeably, and is considered to be the same. But they are not exactly the same.

In Australia, a lawyer is considered both solicitor and barrister who has a valid practicing certificate to be allowed to practice as a lawyer in Australia.

A solicitor and barrister are considered to have different, and in some occasions overlapping roles.

A solicitor is a type of lawyer who provides legal advice, guidance and preparation in clients’ cases rather than court appearances. Some solicitors also do attend court and conduct an advocacy role, but not all.

A barrister is a type of lawyer who predominantly conducts advocacy in court, including trials.

An experienced criminal lawyer on the other hand often conducts the work of both roles, namely in-court advocacy and advice for clients.

Unlike other lawyers, criminal lawyers generally have a high level of expertise in court appearance skills because they regularly appear in court for criminal cases.

Attorney is a word that isn’t commonly used in Australia as it is in America. In Australia, the term ‘attorney’ is generally referred to as a solicitor.

In America an attorney is considered an attorney at law, and is someone who’s passed the bar exam with permission to practice law. Americans do not differentiate between solicitor and lawyer. They refer to both as attorney.


The best type of lawyer suited to you will depend on your legal issue.

If you’re charged for a criminal offence by police, the best type of lawyer will no doubt be an experienced criminal lawyer.

If you receive a letter of demand to pay a sum of money, or you’re being sued, the best type of lawyer will be a civil or commercial lawyer.

If you’re a corporation, and you’re having tax issues, the best type of lawyer will be a tax lawyer.

After you’re aware of the type of legal issue you are facing, you will be able to determine the best type of lawyer. But before deciding on that lawyer, you should do some research to ensure the lawyer you are intending to go with, is one with experience, transparency and integrity. These values are what makes the best type of lawyer.


In Australia, according to seek the below is a list of the type of lawyers who earn the most on average in 2018:

  1. General-In-House Lawyers came first, at an average annual salary of $128,988.
  2. Constructions Lawyers came second highest, at an average annual salary of $124,041.
  3. Corporate & Commercial Lawyers come third highest, at an average annual salary of $118,558.
  4. Tax Lawyers came fourth highest, at an average annual salary of $118,212.


There are many types of lawyers in Australia. Each type of lawyer has a different role which generally involve different legislation and laws. Sometimes, the laws may overlap.

The following are some of the different types of lawyers:

  1. Criminal lawyer: a criminal lawyer’s role involves the criminal justice system.
  2. Property lawyer: a property lawyer’s role predominantly involves dealing with residential and commercial properties and contract law.
  3. Commercial or corporate lawyer: a commercial or corporate lawyers’ role involves a focus on companies and commercial transactions. This also crosses over into contract law.
  4. Immigration lawyer: an immigration lawyers’ role involves a focus on migration in and out of Australia.
  5. Personal injury and compensation lawyer: this type of lawyer is focused on assisting people to being reimbursed, as much as possible, to their pre-accident/injury self due to the negligence of someone else.
  6. Family lawyer: a family lawyer’s role is focused on divorces, child custody disputes and property disputes arising from the same.


How much a lawyer or solicitor charges per hour will depend on the type of lawyer and level of experience.

For example, a solicitor in Sydney of up to 3 years experience may range from $200-$300 per hour.

A criminal lawyer in Sydney with at least 5-6 years experience may range from $400-$500 per hour.

A senior associate of at least 7-years experience may range from $500-$600 per hour.

A principal or director of a law firm may range from $500-$800 per hour.

When engaging a solicitor, the solicitor is required to provide you with a quote of how much he/she will charge per hour for an agreed extent of work before commencing the work. This gives you as a client an opportunity to agree or go elsewhere.

Fees should always be transparent. Many solicitors and lawyers fail to be clear and transparent of legal fees. Some solicitors will be able to provide a fixed fee for an agreed amount of work.

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There are a great many number of best rated barristers in Australia, some given more media attention than others. However, the media attention given does not necessarily correlate to being the best.

Many barristers with little to no media attention are also considered at the top.

The below is a list of some of the best barristers in Australia:

  1. Grant Brady SC. He is a silk, and it’s his passion for criminal law and justice that has placed him at the top as an excellent District and Supreme Court trial barrister. He is considered the best amongst the best for his cross examination skills, and ability to win.
  2. Bret Walker SC. Mr Walker is also a silk, and considered one of, if not the best appeals barrister in the nation, possibly the world.
  3. Winston Terracini SC. Mr. Terracini, also a silk, has won some of the nation’s most high-profile trials. He is well known for his cross-examination in trials.
  4. Ian Temby QC. This is a silk, who has earned a reputation for the term a ‘living legend’.
  5. Margaret Cuneen SC. She is also a silk and one of the best barristers in Australia. Her sheer determination and high intellect combined with her experience makes her a force to be reckoned with.
  6. Lester Fernandez. This is an exceptionally clever barrister who has the ability to turn a seemingly un-winnable case into a winner. He fights hard in and out of the court room.
  7. Stephen Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence has a passion for justice. His courtroom abilities as a barrister in Australia reflects his strong moral values and hard work.


The average annual salary for a criminal lawyer is $72,075, according to PayScale.

The annual salary for a criminal defence lawyer in Australia can vary from $50,000 to $150,000.

The extent of salary for a criminal lawyer will depend on his/her experience and talent as a criminal lawyer.

A criminal lawyer with up to 1-year experience can range from $50,000-$62,000.

A criminal lawyer with up to 4-years experience can range from $65,000-$80,000.

A criminal lawyer with 5-9-years experience can range from $85,000-$100,000.

A criminal lawyer with 10-20-years experience can range from $100,000-$150,000.

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