Goodwill Message By Y.C MAIKYAU, S.A.N. To The Young Lawyers Forum, NBA Makurdi Branch On Its Maiden Summit

It is my pleasure to pen a goodwill message to the maiden Summit of the Young Lawyers Forum of the Nigerian Bar Association, Makurdi Branch, themed “Projecting the Future.”.
I consider it a privilege to be part of this Summit and I thank the members of the Executive Committee of this illustrious Branch, the leadership of the Young Lawyers Forum and the Planning Committee of the Summit for the vision, sacrifice and industry that has culminated in this laudable Summit.
The Summit provides an opportunity for young lawyers to look into the past, take stock of the present, while projecting and preparing for the future. One cannot help but be proud of our younger colleagues who are eagerly playing an active role in equipping themselves to secure the future of the profession and by extension, the larger society.
I am convinced, that there is the need for a deliberate interface between the older and the young, the past and the present, in order to bring about an enabling and prosperous future, where as lawyers, we can take the lead in the recovery, reformation and repositioning of our Nation.
I look forward to the deliberations by the dynamic parade of speakers at the sessions and the subsequent insightful recommendations, which if adopted and implemented, will help in charting a clear future for our younger colleagues.
I encourage all participants to take advantage of the summit to expand our horizon, as I wish you all fruitful deliberations.
God bless the NBA Makurdi Branch!!
God bless NBA Makurdi YLF
God bless the NBA!!
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!
Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau, SAN
Chairman, NBA Welfare Committee