Nigerian Lawyers

Friends Of Adama Group Urges Abuja Lawyers To Vote For The Woman With Competence, Capacity And Versatility

The Friends of Adama, a campaign support group for the aspiration of Mrs Adama MOHAMMED, who is running for the position of Secretary in the upcoming Abuja branch elections of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), has urged Unity Bar lawyers to vote wisely by voting Adama to man the Secretariat.

In a statement made available to The Metro Lawyer (TML) news desk, the group had this to say…

A lot of women have this feeling that our society is male dominated.

While this may be true, taking into consideration the ratio of men to women in political and public office positions; there are several women who, rather than accept the “male-dominated society” notion, leveraged on the opportunities offered and made a lot of exploits. It is the strength, tenacity and determination of these few women to change the narrative and give voice to the saying that “what a man can do, a woman can do better”; thus, paving the way for other women.

Barr. Adama MOHAMMED is one of such pioneer women, who has refused to be subjected to the general notion. Adama is not only a visionary Leader, but also a loving mother.

There has never been a time when the NBA Unity Bar Secretariat has been in dire need of a woman to break the bias and give it a touch of female capacity than now. As the engine room of every organization, the secretariat ought not to be trifled with.

A woman who understands not only the environment but is also responsive to the yearnings of Lawyers at the Bar deserves a chance!

Competency and capacity are like siamese twins which Adama possesses; a solution-hungry woman would always meet the expectations of her electorates. A stitch in time, they say saves nine.

Vote Adama MOHAMMED for Secretary NBA Abuja Branch-the Unity Bar!!!!!!

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