Excerpts From NBA Presidential Aspirant, Y. C. Maikyau SAN’s Manifesto (12)

Freedom in any society or community is bench marked by the level of respect for the Rule of Law in that Society. This, however, is not possible until the Bar becomes known for its transparency, integrity and care for the Nigerian people. Only then, will the Bar possess a voice, strong and loud enough to enjoy the respect that will translate to the freedom of the people of Nigeria.
Under the current administration, the voice of the NBA has regained considerable attention and respect. This tempo must be sustained if we are to restore respect for the Bar. For the Bar to once again command the respect of the Nigerian public, we must introspect and resolve to deal with the matters of professional misconduct within our ranks, which to a large extent, have muffled the voice of the Bar.
Our administration will continue to promote the rule of law, advocate for the protection of human rights; champion law reform and protect the integrity and independence of the judiciary, amongst others.
Young lawyers are the greatest asset of the NBA. These younger members of the profession who constitute about 65% of our population are versatile and dynamic. This generally means that with the right guidance, focus and environment, they add tremendous value to the profession and society.
The NBA under my watch will encourage social mobility through investment in our younger colleagues.My administration will encourage more group mentorship sessions structured to provide career development training for young lawyers. The YLF would also be directly involved in the development of a curriculum for the benefit of its members.
We will prioritise young lawyers from day one and provide funding for their activities to enable them to achieve their goals. We shall strengthen the YLF and strategically position the young lawyers for leadership succession through participation in the activities of the NBA and appointments into committees.
7.1. NBA-Law Firm/Institutional Mentorship Partnership for Young Lawyers.
The NBA under our leadership will seek and enter into partnerships with law firms, particularly top law firms with diverse practice areas, for the mentorship of young lawyers. We shall secure mentorship arrangements with these law firms for members of 1 – 5 years post call at an agreed minimum allowance of 100, 000 to be shared 60 – 40% between the law firms and the NBA, for a period of 6 months.
The idea is to expose the young lawyers to the best standards of practice; provide opportunities for possible employment of those under the mentorship programmes who may impress the mentor Law firm during the mentorship. This is in addition to other layers of mentorship programmes which the NBA will structure for the benefit of young lawyers.
We will appeal to the CSR policies of institutions to absorb our members on mentorship programs in order to develop their capacity.
The demands of globalization have created the need for global competitiveness within our legal space. Our administration will leverage on the extensive work carried out by SBL on the workability of AfCFTA, and opportunities provided by social media, new technology, blockchain and artificial intelligence and ensure that members of the NBA are equipped to keep in step with and stay ahead of the curve in the digital economy.
The NBA under our administration will continue to recognise and promote the collective interest of the Bar through the different fora within the NBA; Women, Young Lawyers, Law Officers, Lawyers in Salaried Employment, Lawyers in Military, Legislative lawyers and Lawyers that are physically challenged. We will strengthen all interest groups and ensure that members are actively included in the affairs of the Bar.
No man is an island, neither an Association. In an interdependent and interconnected world, we will continue to look inward to build
competence and competitiveness. We must look around the world for inspiration, collaboration and mutually beneficial partnerships. To this end, we will engage with International Bar Associations and firms, with a view to encouraging mentorship and training for willing members.
*To be continued and completed soon.