Everybody Loves YC Maikyau By Sani Ammani

I read about it on Facebook, in the morning, in my room, after I came back from the mosque. I read it on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. I read it again on WhatsApp and Telegram. Then perhaps I just switched from one social media outlet to another, staring at it, at the different styles people employed to write his name and paint out their thoughts about him.
It’s too strong to be believed and I kept telling myself that as I walked from the kitchen to the sitting room, with a mug of tea in my hand. My entire Facebook friends and their friends couldn’t possibly be talking about the same person at the same time. My entire WhatsApp contacts couldn’t be updating their status with the pictures and clips of the same person at the same time. He took over social media with beautiful pictures, in different attires.
In the afternoon, just when I thought the trending had ended, I went back online. And there he was still in every post, tweet and status. I couldn’t believe it. What I mean by that is that I couldn’t find a space to keep it inside me. So, I picked up my phone and began to make calls. It’s true.
I had had thoughts about it, but I didn’t express them, I kept them deep inside me. I’ve always told myself I know him to be an upright person in a good frame. But I never knew what people think about him until today. He’s not only a giant who fits into any dress he puts on but also a legal practitioner per excellence. It’s true.
It’s true because numerous sources, unconnected with one another have confirmed it to be so. It’s true because he’s still trending. It’s true, and that’s the truth. His name is YC Maikyau, SAN, and today is his birthday.
Junior lawyers love YC Maikyau. They cherish and admire him. They love the way he returns their respect. They want to be like him when they grow up in legal practice.
Senior lawyers love YC Maikyau. They cherish and admire him. They love the way he respects them when and wherever he meets them.
Senior Advocates love YC Maikyau. They cherish and admire him. They love the way he adds value to the silk.
YC Maikyau is one of a kind. He doesn’t concern himself with one’s post call experience, tribe, religion or political affiliation. He respects all.
Happy birthday YC Maikyau, SAN. You’re loved for who you are, for everything that constitutes you. You’re loved for your core beliefs, your strengths and weaknesses, and your admirable traits. We celebrate you, today and always.
Thank you for reading. My name is Sani Ammani. It pleases me to read, comforts me to write and delights me to talk. Allah mana Maikyau.