CLASFON Releases Registration Guidelines For National Conference

The Christian Lawyers’ Fellowship of Nigeria (CLASFON) has released registration guidelines for its upcoming national conference.
The conference which is themed: “Behold, here I stand”, will take place from Aug 4th to Aug 8th at the Sisters Fellowship International-Transformation Camp, Nnobi – Nkpor Road, Obosi in Anambra state, Nigeria.
In a statement signed by Chairman of the coordinating committee of the conference, Professor. Oluwole Akintayo, the steps for registration were listed as follows:
1: Go to
2: Fill in your personal details
3: Fill in spouse details if you’re attending with your spouse
4: Fill in child(ren’s) details if you’re attending with your child(ren)
5: Fill in details of accompanying driver/orderly if you’re attending with them.
6: Choose accommodation type
7: Choose additional accommodation type (for additional room)
8: Click on confirm registration
9: Make payment using card only and keep your payment code safely.
Once you have clicked confirm registration, do NOT attempt to register again as your details have been captured. If do not have the require funds to make payment immediately, visit and use the code sent to your email to complete your payment.
For further information contact:
+234 809 873 9401
+234 803 605 0952
+234 803 666 6485