Beyoncé Wins Legal Battle To Trademark Blue Ivy Carter’s Name

Beyoncé Wins Legal Battle To Trademark Blue Ivy Carter’s Name


Beyoncé has successfully cleared a major hurdle in her effort to trademark her daughter Blue Ivy Carter’s name, following a legal battle over a Wisconsin boutique, The U.S. Sun reports.

The global superstar first attempted to secure the trademark for her eldest child’s name 12 years ago, shortly after Blue Ivy’s birth. Beyoncé’s company, BGK Trademark Holdings LLC, filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), but the process faced repeated challenges.

In one notable case, wedding planner Veronica Morales opposed the application, citing her business, Blue Ivy Events, which she had registered in Massachusetts in 2009. The dispute escalated to a tribunal in 2020, where the USPTO ultimately sided with Beyoncé, ruling that the two names were not sufficiently similar to cause confusion.

Despite the victory, Beyoncé’s legal team did not proceed with the application at the time, and it was eventually abandoned.

In November 2023, Beyoncé renewed her bid to trademark the name, but another roadblock emerged when a USPTO examiner raised concerns over potential similarities to a Wisconsin clothing store’s Blue Ivy logo, in use since 2011.

However, Beyoncé’s team contested the tentative denial, and it has now been confirmed that the trademark application can move forward. Notably, the Wisconsin boutique never formally opposed the application.

This victory brings Beyoncé closer to officially securing the trademark for Blue Ivy Carter’s name, a move likely aimed at protecting her daughter’s identity and potential brand value in the future.

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