Metro News

Bobrisky Not In One-Bedroom Flat, Says Correctional Service

The Nigerian Correctional Service, Lagos State Command, has clarified the living arrangements of the controversial cross-dresser, Idris Olanrewaju Okuneye, famously known as Bobrisky, stating that he resides in a shared cell rather than a one-bedroom flat or an en suite style cell.

In a press release issued to journalists on Saturday, Rotimi Oladokun, the spokesperson for the Command, emphasized that Bobrisky has been allocated a shared cell with other convicted inmates due to the absence of en-suite or ‘one-bedroom flat’ style cells in the Custodial Centre. Oladokun explained that the cell blocks’ infrastructure is designed as shared buildings to accommodate multiple inmates.

Furthermore, the Service affirmed that Bobrisky is being held in a male custodial centre, where he wears male-designated correctional clothing and is treated like any other inmate, devoid of special amenities or privileges.

Responding to a viral post on social media claiming that Bobrisky donated chairs to the correctional centre, the spokesperson refuted the allegation in a conversation with a correspondent. Images circulating online depicted plastic white chairs engraved with Bobrisky’s name reportedly donated to the KiriKiri Correctional Centre. It was purported that he made the donation after observing that his guests lacked seating during visits.

Oladokun clarified, stating, “With respect to donation, if there was a formal donation, there will be an acknowledgement or documentation to that fact, where the representation of both donor and donee are present.”

Read the full statement below:


The attention of the Nigerian Correctional Service Lagos State Command has been drawn to some mischievous and misleading online publications.

Without prejudice to NCoS right to seek legal redress for the libelous publication, outlined are clarification on the said issues

1. The convicted inmate, Okuneye Idris Olanrewaju aka Bobrisky is currently serving a 6 months jail term for abuse and mutilation of the Naira note within the custody of the Custodial Centre in the State.
2. The Convict is entitled to the reformative and rehabilitative platforms either educational and/or vocational training as provided to all inmates in custody.
3. Idris has been allocated a shared cell with other convicted inmates. There are no en-suite or ‘one bedroom flat’ style cells in our Custodial Centre as the cell blocks infrastructure are built as shared buildings, to accommodate multiple inmates.
4. The convict is remanded in a male Custodial Centre and observes all regulations and rules in place at the centre especially with regards to dress code. He wears male designated correctional clothing for convicted inmates.
5. Idris is being treated just as every other inmate without any special amenities or privilege accorded. Note: All inmates are entitled to Family and Legal visit. These visits are monitored and regulated by NCoS.
6. The Controller of Corrections, Lagos Command enjoined the general public to disregard the said malicious publication.

CSC Rotimi Oladokun
PRO, Lagos State Command

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