Call For Papers: The Nigerian Immigration Lawyers Association Invites Submissions For Its Maiden Law Journal

The Editorial Board of the NILA Law Journal (a publication of the Nigerian Immigration Lawyers Association) invites submissions for publication in the maiden edition of its journal. The NILA Law Journal is a peer-reviewed journal on a broad range of current and pragmatic topics related to the rapidly changing immigration law landscape, in support of NILA’s mission to promote justice, advocate for fair and reasonable immigration law and policy in Nigeria, and enhance the professional development of its members.
The journal will consider articles on subjects relating ( but not limited ) to Nigeria or comparative immigration law and policy in general, business immigration, forced migration, refugee law, internal displacement and nationality law. As the journal is dedicated to publishing works falling under a broad conception of immigration law, articles might also touch upon related legal fields such as administrative law, constitutional law, criminal law, human rights and labour law. Articles must be original and must not have been submitted for consideration and publication elsewhere.
1. Manuscripts must be in British English Language, Microsoft word format, 12pt font size (10pt for footnotes), and 1.5 line spaced.
2. References should comply with the NALT uniform Citation Guide-Style of Referencing, which is available on
3. Submissions must include an abstract which should not exceed 250 words which should consist of an introduction, research method(s), findings, recommendation and conclusion.
4. Articles should not exceed 7500 words including footnotes, while commentaries and reviews should not exceed 4000 words including footnotes.
5. Author(s) details such as names, telephone number, email address, academic qualifications, and institutional affiliations should be indicated in the footnote of the first page of the paper.
6. All submissions will undergo double blind peer review and plagiarism check.
7. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the material submitted does not infringe copyright.
8. All submissions should be sent to not later than 31st May, 2024.
9. All correspondence concerning articles and other submissions should be addressed to:
NILA Law Journal
Nigerian Immigration Lawyers Association