Court Orders Killing Of Cockerel Causing Noise Pollution

A Magistrate Court in Kano State, Northern Nigeria has ordered a man identified as Malam Yusuf, to kill his cockerel on or before Friday for causing noise pollution.
Chief Magistrate Halima Wali issued the order on Tuesday after Yusuf’s neighbour sued him, complaining that the constant crowing of the cockerel deprives him of sleep.
Vanguard reports that the Chief Magistrate held that the domestic bird is a nuisance to the neighbourhood and therefore asked Yusuf to ensure he kills the cockerel on or before Friday as ordered or faces a penalty from the court.
Meanwhile, keeping livestock and poultry in homes across Nigeria where they are reared for food and for commercial purposes is constitutional. However, under the Wild Animals (Captive Animals) Regulations (1975), possessors of wild animals are required to obtain a license.