Law School
119 First Class Graduates: Council Of Legal Education Releases 2022 Bar Part II Results

The Council of Legal Education has officially released results of the 2022 Bar Part II exams written in August/September.The results which were part of the Council’s deliberations in its meeting on the 16th of November, 2022 would culminate in the Call to Bar of qualified aspirants few weeks from now.
According to the result breakdown sighted by The Metro Lawyer (TML), 119 students representing 2.05% bagged a first class, while 787 representing 13.56%, and 2460 representing 42.40% secured Second Class Upper and Lower divisions respectively.
Also, 1323 students constituting 22.8% made a pass, while the conditional pass category had 185 students making 3.19%.
15.89% of the students numbering 922 failed the exams while 6 were withheld for alleged malpractice.
The total number of students who sat for the exam is 5802.