Nigerian Lawyers

“Nigerian Lawyers Must Embrace Dynamism” – Auta Nyada

Past Secretary Young Lawyers Forum (YLF) Governing Council and Member, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Welfare Committee, Auta Nyada has congratulated the leadership and members of the Jalingo Branch of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), on its Bar Week.

Read below:

I am delighted to congratulate the distinguished members and executive of the Nigerian Bar Association, Jalingo Branch under the amiable and impactful leadership of GANKI HASSAN, for putting up such an outstanding feat in this year’s Law Week. It is a pointer that hard work, passion, and a “never give up” attitude always yield great results.

In all honesty, it will be difficult to discuss this year’s Law week without referring to the captivating theme, “Legal Practice in a Volatile Democracy; The Nigerian Experience”. The choice of this theme is apposite and shows that the Leadership of Jalingo Branch is alive to the reality of our time.

The unpredictability of our democracy requires a high level of dynamism and a multi-faceted approach to legal practice and this must be encouraged at every opportunity.

May I at this point give credence to the words of Malcolm Gladwell thus, “success is a function of persistence and doggedness and the willingness to work hard”.

In this regime of democratic volatility, Nigerian lawyers must embrace dynamism, hard work, persistence, and doggedness to sail through.

I also commend the Law Week planning committee for their choice of resource persons to anchor and chart through the law week, and with the quality of such resource persons, I am persuaded beyond argument that this year’s Law week will be engaging, impactful, and intellectually rewarding.

it is my sincere hope that the gains of this year’s Law Week, will yield an abundance of improvement in our ability to endure and overcome the myriad challenges of the Legal Practice in a volatile Democracy.

Thank you all once more for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts with you, and permit me to congratulate you once again on your incredible accomplishments.

Long Live the NBA National
Long Live NBA Jalingo Branch
Long Live Nigeria.

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