Nigerian Lawyers

Auta Nyada Congratulates NBA Ikot Ekpene Branch

Past Secretary Young Lawyers Forum (YLF) Governing Council and Member, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Welfare Committee, Auta Nyada has congratulated the leadership and members of the Ikot Ekpene Branch of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), on its Bar Week.

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I heartily congratulate the Executive and Members of the Nigerian Bar Association, Ikot Ekpene Branch on the occasion of their Bar week taking place from the 8th to the 12th of May, 2022.

Laudable is the choice of the theme of the event; “Strengthening the Pillars of Democracy through Effective Legislation”. This theme is not only apt, but very relevant in a society like ours, where legislative activism is required as a tool for stability, progress and meaningful development.

In the words of John Robert, “Legislative novelty is not necessarily fatal; there is a first time for everything” – The Legal profession through summits of this kind must dare to bring in the much desired innovations in our Legislative processes without the fear of change.

Programmes of this nature will no doubt spur lawyers into active participation/ involvement in legislative affairs either as legislators, Legal aids and even as  Counsel.

With the caliber of resource persons involved, I am positive that the programme will be impactful and rewarding to the Bar and the nation at large. While  wishing you all a purposeful and impactful Bar week, kindly accept my congratulations once again.
Long live the NBA National
Long live NBA Ikot Ekpene Branch
Long live Nigeria

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