NGOs Want Int’l Community To Enact Laws To End War In Ukraine, Russia

Non – Governmental Organisations from all over the world gathered at the “International Conference Centre on the Restoration of Peace in Ukraine” hosted by Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL) and Business Woman Magazine as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues for more than 50 days.
The NGOs made the resolution on April,21,2022 at the online meeting with over 500 participants from 15 countries seeking and proposing ways to end the war from various angles.
The conference was held to share the results of humanitarian aid and call for collaborative efforts by the international community to restore peace in Ukraine.
The Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Maryna Popatenko on the current situation in Ukraine and requests for international community support said that there are now about 8 million young people left in Ukraine, of whom 2 million have become internally displaced, many are in hostilities, many have lost their homes, many have lost their jobs, businesses and forced to suspend their studies.
Also, the coordinator of HWPL’s Ukraine branch,Maria Zakharchenko explained that right after the outbreak of the war, HWPL condemned Russia’s invasion, which resulted in countless civilian casualties, and urged it to uphold the principles of international law through an official statement.
She said HWPL shared humanitarian support and campaign activities to restore peace in Ukraine and will continue to carry out peace activities with the spirit of DPCW.
“We expect more attention and aid from the International community to support the Ukrainian people.HWPL emphasized the need for international support for Ukrainian citizens as the war became protracted,” she said .