
Lawyers As Naturally Born Leaders? – By CHIDI UDEKWE

By the published guidelines from the Electoral Committee, it is expected that the Nigerian Bar Association Abuja Branch (Unity Bar) will conduct elections into the various offices of the Branch by the 9th of June 2022. Other Branches of NBA are also expected to have concluded their elections before the National election already scheduled in July 2022 by virtue of the NBA Constitution and the Uniform Bye Law.

Given the provision of NBA Constitution and Bye Law, the issue of who leads the Bar becomes a popular subject matter every two years. Even though Lawyers are believed to be born leaders and are called to lead in various capacities because of the enormous task they simultaneously carry out for clients and the general public at large, more is nonetheless expected outside Lawyer/client relationship.

A true leader does not just solve challenges but creates enduring platforms for solving similar challenges in future. Thus, as the NBA elections approach, candidates vying for various positions should be subjected to intense scrutiny as regards their competence, skills, attitude, values, decision making approach, strength, daily roles and others. This is in view of the need to select persons who have broad vision, knack for constant improvement and ability to manage conversation as platform builders and system solution providers.

It is on this note that prospective Bar leaders should be courageous personalities imbued with forthrightness. Persons who understand the need to respond appropriately and responsibly to all issues affecting welfare of Lawyers. There is that urgent desire to field persons that will not stand hands akimbo while police brutality, harassment and depravity reign Supreme against and over Lawyers.

I can not agree less with inimitable Bayo Akindele ESQ who wrote that: “in NBA, we need representatives that understand the following:

1. The constitution of the NBA: It’s history and purpose
2. How to put members first
3. A person that has Experience and ability to harness the potential of every member
4. Has enough personal influence and is respected by both people within and outside the profession
5. A person with a good and honest personal legal and personal background that will command the respect of others
6. A person who knows how to manage resources and distribute funds appropriately etc”

Indeed, the NBA at this critical time needs leaders both at National and Branch levels who are poised to resolving the:

– high rate of dissatisfaction among Lawyers (both seniors and young ones),
– poor remuneration of Lawyers,
-delays in justice delivery and others.

Impliedly, what we need concentrate on during elections in the NBA is service and solution based and not elections characterised by electoral crisis and litigation. Lawyers must set the pace for the society to follow.  A situation where some branches of the NBA are yet to recover from outfalls of past elections is unsavory. This ugly trend has alienated a good number of our learned colleagues from NBA activities.

So, if Lawyers are naturally born leaders, let competence and capacity be the new watchwords in voting for and choosing who represents the Nigerian Bar Association at all levels!

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