Nigerian Lawyers

Farewell Message From The Desk Of Auta Nyada

This is wishing all Distinguished Members of NEC safe journey to your respective jurisdictions, after the elaborate, robust and innovative deliberations.

You have all demonstrated once again that the Bar which you are called to serve, is of paramount importance to you. I appreciate you for your invaluable time, effort and devotion in ensuring that the Bar works for all.

I pray that as you return to pursue your individual endeavours, you will find divine endorsement in your pursuit.

This farewell message will not be complete without mentioning in clear terms that the President of the NBA: Mr. Olumide Akpata is a blessing to our noble Association and that indeed the Bar now works for all under his watchful and amiable Leadership and that is no cliché.

God bless you Mr. President, God bless members of NEC, and God bless the NBA.

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