Nigerian Lawyers

Y. C. Maikyau’s Heartfelt Christmas Message To Friends And Colleagues

Dear Learned Seniors/Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen.

This year has been quite eventful and we remain grateful to God Almighty, for the gift of life, health and material provisions. I am particularly grateful to God for causing our paths to cross and for the relationships we have built in such a short while(for most of you).

The events of the year could not have been as impactful, colourful, reassuring or even possible, without your involvement. God made that happen; He chose you as agents to accomplish the task. I am humbled by the show of love and support, which I do not think I deserve and will never take for granted.

I owe each one of you a debt of gratitude and for want of a better expression I will simply say, THANK YOU!!  Thank you for the sacrifices of your time and resources, and I pray that the good Lord will reward you abundantly.

May God Almighty bless our efforts, cause our relationships and camaraderie to translate to tangible benefits to humanity and our dear Association in particular.

I wish us all the best compliments of the Season, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year in advance.

Yours sincerely,
Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau

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