Goodwill Message By Y.C Maikyau S.A.N To The Treasure Bar (Degema Branch) At The Event Of Her CLE Programme 2021

I heartily congratulates the Chairman, EXCO, CLE Committee and the entire Members of the NBA Degema Branch (the Bar with a treasure) on the event of their 2021 Continuing Legal Education Programme themed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS: SHOULD THEY BE ABSOLUTE OR QUALIFIED?
Indeed as professionals we know the importance of Continuing professional development, this I can see that the Bar with the treasure has taken to heart the interest of its members by organising such an event with a pool of resource persons who have hands-on experience on the topic being seasoned lawyers of high repute, this is indeed worthy of emulation by all Branches of the NBA.
I must also commend the organisers on the choice of topic, the discourse on the issue of fundamental rights whether it is absolute and automatic or whether it should be checked and limited, should be a priority at a time like this where our country is underseige by unknown forces and this forces are bent on infringing on our rights. I am sure this discussion will give a leveler for the onward deliberations on the importance and inherent nature of human rights in our country as it has been given a sacred place in our supreme law and also on the need for everyone to recognise that, though rights are inherent and God given, you cannot in a bid to enforce your right trample on that of another.
Finally, I am sure that this conversation will be enriching, educating and it will assist us as minsters in the temple of justice in protecting and promoting the letters and intent of our Constitution toward the preservation and protection of human rights in Nigeria. I wish all participants a fruitful deliberations.
Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau, SAN, FCIArb, FICMC