Lawyers' EventsNigerian Lawyers

[PICTURES] CLASFON CONFERENCE 2021: We Are First Christians Before Lawyers- Odufon

The pioneer President of the Christian Lawyers’ Fellowsip of Nigeria (CLASFON), Dr Wole Odufon has charged Christian lawyers on the need to represent Christ in the profession, stating that they should understand that, “we are first Christians before we are lawyers.”

Dr Odufon who gave the keynote address at the just concluded Annual Conference and 40th anniversary of the association, which held in Onitsha, Anambra State also underscored the dire need for Christians in different positions of leadership to practice righteousness and not merely bear the name “Christian”.

He reminded the lawyers that the life of the Christian is fraught with persecution for the sake of our faith which is constantly in contradistinction with the practices of the world and we must prevail through such persecution and represent Christ in all our dealings.

Anchoring on the theme of the Conference: “Behold Here I Stand”, at the spiritual enrichment session, the Vice President of CLASFON Prof. J.O.A. Akintayo exhorted the conferees to take a stand for God and represent Him in their practice of the noble legal profession.

He said this is the time for Christian lawyers to prepare their hearts and make the decision to walk with the Lord as God is putting out the call “Walk with Me, so that you can take a stand for Me.”

The conference which ended today offered a range of wonderful activities for conferees such as Spiritual Enrichment, Lectures, Seminars, Spouses’ Session, Children and Teens sessions, Sports, Picnics, Networking and lots more.

Speakers at the event included:

1. Dr. Wole Olufon – Keynote Speaker
2. Prof P. L. O. Lumumba
3. Brent Mcburney
4. Dr. Steve Ogan
5. Mr. Rotimi Jacobs, SAN
6. Mr. Oluseun Abimbola, SAN
7. Evelyn Membere-Asimiea
8. Gabriel Ofen-Imu
9. Nantok Dami
10. Dr. C.A.J. Chinwo
11. Khamagam Faruk Kemiel
12. Dafi Philemon
13. Mr. Ikeazor Akaraiwe
14. Dr. Sam Amadi
15. Chinua Asuzu

See pictures from the conference below…

Declaration of the conference open by the Honourable Chief Judge of Anambra State, Hon. Justice Anyachebelu


Vice President of CLASFON, Prof. J.O.A. Akintayo


J. K. Gadzama, SAN at the event


The newly elected CLASFON EXCO


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