12 Outstanding Laws Of 2022

The importance of the rule of law to the development and societal sanity of any nation, whether developed or developing, cannot be overemphasised, and Nigeria is not an exception.
As a democratic nation, with a tripod government of executive, legislature and the judiciary, the tenets of the rule of law are central to governance, for those in authority and the governed.
Democratic governance is actually founded on the rule of law, and where the rule of law is missing, the fabric of that nation, would be adversely affected. It thus means that the concept of rule of law, prevents abuse of power, enforces the supremacy of the law, upholds fundamental human rights, enthrones efficiency in governance, enforces judicial independence and ensures equality in the society, among other things.
This is the reason Nigeria, like other nations of the world, makes conscious efforts to improve on its laws by amending and introducing completely new laws in line with current national realities and best global practices
In this outgoing year, some new bills were passed by the National Assembly and signed into law by the president. These laws are in various shapes and operational in different areas of endeavours, but the pertinent question is, why these laws and how do they affect Nigerians and Nigeria as a nation?
National Health Insurance Authority Act 2022
The National Health Insurance Authority Act 2022 repeals the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Act, 2004 with the primary aim of ensuring health coverage for all Nigerian residents using effective monitoring of the promotion, regulation, integration of health insurance schemes.
This law is expected to create access to affordable healthcare in Nigeria where the poverty rate is extremely high. The provisions of this Act is designed to create a framework for how health schemes will be set up at the federal and state levels.
The Act, described as a game changer in the Nigerian health care system also mandates that all vulnerable persons shall have access to health care provided by the Basic Health Care Provision Fund.
Harmonised Retirement Age for Teachers in Nigeria Act 2022
This is a revolutionary law which increases the retirement age of primary and secondary school teachers to 65 years old, and years of service to 40 years on the belief that they can still function effectively at that age and create succession in the system which is in line with the consideration that the education system is the bedrock of development in any country and teachers are of utmost importance within the education system
This law was proposed to bring the retirement age in line with what already exists for educators in colleges of education, polytechnics, and universities and is expected to create balance.
Nigeria Startup Act 2022
The Nigeria Startup Act 2022 garnered lots of interest because entrepreneurship is one of the highlighted measures of fighting unemployment in the country.
The law aims at creating a favourable environment for startups by providing incentives; removing regulatory constraints; and developing an ecosystem for startups to thrive.
The passage of this law means Nigerian startups can now potentially have access to more government funding and tax incentives. Also, they have more money for startups creating innovative products. The Act however, has tighter regulations of startups which is evident in the requirement to apply for a startup label certificate, to enjoy the incentives and benefits provided under the Act. It is however predicted by analysts that this Act could have unintended consequences.
Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria Act 2022
This law repeals and replaces the Advertising Practitioners Act which established ARCON’s predecessor – The Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON). ARCON is now the agency which regulates advertising in Nigeria. This includes who can engage in advertising business and give approval for adverts in the country.
ARCON is in charge of vetting any adverts or promotions that are to be directed at members of the public. Therefore, before conducting any TV, radio, online or print adverts, the company must obtain APCON approval.
This law is already being enforced and an instance is the ban on foreign models. It is also the law that allowed the nation to file a N30 billion suit against Facebook on allegations of showing unapproved adverts to the Nigerian audience. They have also sent warnings to content creators and online influencers that they need to comply with the advertising code or face sanctions.
The law will allow ARCON to continue to expand its regulatory reach and test out its powers in the coming year.
Civil Aviation Act, 2022
The Civil Aviation Act, 2022 repeals the Civil Aviation Act, No. 6, 2006 and enacts the Civil Aviation Act, 2022. It establishes rules of operation and divisions of responsibility within the Nigerian civil aviation system, in order to promote aviation safety and security.
It further seeks to ensure that Nigeria’s obligations under international aviation agreements are implemented, and consolidate the laws relating to the regulation of civil aviation in Nigeria.
Counselling Practitioners Council of Nigeria, 2022
The Counselling Practitioners Council of Nigeria, 2022 is an innovative move that is primarily aimed at advancing the study, training and practice of the counselling profession and determining the standard of knowledge and skill to be attained by persons seeking to become registered members of the counselling profession.
Meteorological Agency (Establishment) Act, 2022
This Act repeals the Nigerian Meteorological Agency Establishment Act, No. 9 of 2003 and enacts the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (Establishment) Act to provide for a comprehensive legal and institutional framework for the regulation of meteorology in Nigeria. It makes provisions for who gives approval for licenses, certification and regulation of the establishment of meteorological stations for meteorological observations.
National Institute Of Credit Administration (Establishment) Act, 2022
This empowers the institute to regulate credit management practice and set standards and skills to be attained by persons seeking to become professional credit managers in Nigeria.
Chartered Institute Of Social Work Practitioners (Establishment) Act, 2022
This focuses on the Institute, charged with the responsibility for training and registration of persons aspiring to become Social Work Practitioners in Nigeria and determines the standards of knowledge and skill to be attained by persons seeking to become registered as chartered social work practitioners.
Others include the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria Act, 2022 which repealed the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria Act Cap. P17 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and enacted the Pharmacy Council of Nigeria (Establishment) Act, 2022 and the Nigerian Council for Management Development Act, 2022 which repealed the Nigerian Council for Management Development Act as well as the National Centre for Economic Management and Administration Act.
With these laws in place, many are looking forward to what will change in 2023.