Nigerian Lawyers

10 Problems And Challenges Facing The Nigerian Bar Association

The Nigerian Bar Association is the body of qualified barristers in Nigeria. The association is made up of men and women who have gone to law school and passed the Bar Examination. In Nigeria, lawyers who failed the Bar Examination cannot be called to Bar.

It, therefore, goes to mean that there is nobody in the Nigerian Bar Association who is not a qualified lawyer. As a body of qualified lawyers in Nigeria, Nigerians’ expectations of this association are high.

Unfortunately, the Nigerian Bar Association has some problems that we must look into. Among the challenges facing this association of barristers are:

  1. Self-serving
  2. Performing below the expectation of Nigerians
  3. Not promoting the rule of law
  4. Unprofessionalism
  5. Avoidance of national critical issues
  6. Amplification of Nigeria’s democracy
  7. Lack of courage
  8. Problem of insecurity
  9. Problem of corruption
  10. The problem of social change

Nigerian Bar Association Challenges

1. Self-Serving

One of the problems facing the Nigerian Bar Association is self-serving. Many members of the Nigerian Bar Association only believe in themselves. All of their interests are on themselves.

Self-serving is a general problem in Nigeria. Hardly any Nigerian fights for others. So many Nigerians are not interested in anything that will not bring them personal gain. This same thing applies to so many members of the Nigerian Bar Association. Were it not so, they would have solved so many problems in Nigeria.

2. Performing Below the Expectations of Nigerians

As a body of learned friends, the expectations of Nigerians towards the Nigerian Bar Association are very high. The Nigerian Bar Association is a peculiar body. It is a particular body because all members of the Nigerian Bar Association are people who are vast in law.

There is no law that they are not aware of, be it English law or the informal norms of Nigerian society. Thus, they stand in the best position to put so many things right in Nigeria. On the contrary, members of the Nigerian Bar Association are so quiet that no Nigerian feels their presence.

In fact, many Nigerians do not know that such a body exists. In their presence, corruption is becoming a norm in Nigeria. In their presence, the lawmakers can misinterpret the law and twist it to their favour unchallenged.

All said and done, the conclusion of the matter is that the Nigerian Bar Association has performed below the expectations of knowledgeable Nigerians.

3. Not Promoting the Rule of Law

The Nigerian Bar Association has the challenge of not promoting the rule of law in Nigeria. Nigeria, being a democratic country, is a country that rules by the rule of law. Therefore, Nigeria ought to boast itself in having the calibre of people that are found in the Nigerian Bar Association.

Nobody can crucify me for saying that Nigeria is a lawless country. Some days ago, I received this message on my phone: “PDP Power!! Vote Atiku Abubakar for change 2023, you have been selected to receive NGN 62,500 from PDP Support, call for payment (09165112762).” Was the Nigerian Bar Association promoting the rule of law, I would have sent them this number for tracking and prosecution.

This country cries for lack of funds. Yet, PDP has billions of money to buy votes. Multiply N 62, 500 by the billions of people that are in Nigeria and see how much that is. After using such an amount in buying the president into office, the next thing is to plan for a loan to borrow from the World Bank to recover what he spent to get into office. Thus, Nigeria will remain in debt until Christ comes. The Nigerian Bar Association should wake up to the task of promoting the rule of law in Nigeria. The politicians should leave the people to vote for anybody of their choice without coercion.

4. Unprofessionalism

A critical look at the members of the Nigerian Bar Association proves that the association lacks professionalism. Professionalism is proven by integrity that so many lawyers in the association lack.

As a group of those who are learned, we expect them to maintain a high standard that shows that they are well trained in legal practice. Unfortunately, many members of the Nigerian Bar Association live below the standard that Nigerians expect from them. This poses a serious problem for the Nigerian Bar Association.

5. Avoidance of National Critical Issues

The gladness that the Nigerian Bar Association would have brought to Nigerians is lacking among the members of the association. As people who are vast in law, and who defend other people’s human rights, one would expect that members of the Nigerian Bar Association would be outspoken on critical issues that affect the Nation.

On the contrary, members of the Nigerian Bar Association have always carefully avoided all these issues. Think of an issue like the Boko Haram insurgence, what say has the Nigerian Bar Association?

Does it mean that the Nigerian Bar Association is satisfied with the democratic governance in the country? Is the association satisfied with the Nigerian economy? All these issues need the intervention of the Nigerian Bar Association.

6. Amplification of Nigerian Democracy

The zoning system of leadership in the Nigerian Bar Association is mere amplification of the zoning system of Nigerian governance of most of the political parties. Visionary leadership demands that things be done differently in the association.

As people who are taught how to moderate a society through the rule of law, perfection is expected from the Nigerian Bar Association. The association ought to be a model in Nigerian society.

7. Lack of Courage

Another problem facing the Nigerian Bar Association is a lack of courage. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines courage as “The ability to do something dangerous, or to face pain or opposition, without showing fear.” This is synonymous with bravery.

What Nigerians need from the Nigerian Bar Association is courage. Nigeria needs reformation and only courageous people can reform it. Through their training, only members of the Nigerian Bar Association can carry out the reformation that Nigeria needs.

8. Problem of Insecurity

One area where the Nigerian Bar Association has failed Nigerians is the problem of insecurity. Insecurity ought not to exist where there are people who are well trained in the act of law. Legal practitioners are people who can use the law to change things for the better. The Nigerian Bar Association has not used their law instrument well in the area of insecurity in Nigeria. To them, this is a problem.

9. Problem of Corruption

Not only is corruption found among the members of the Nigerian Bar Association but also among many Nigerians. In the presence of these learned friends, corruption is gaining root in Nigeria.

It has always been said that nobody is above the law. Law, when properly followed, can bring betterment to any society. In following the laws of Nigerian society, the Nigerian Bar Association ought to be the number one. The members of the association are to be in front while others will follow them.

10. The Problem of Social Change

The Nigerian Bar Association seems to have forgotten their mission of using “the law as an instrument of social change in Nigeria.” Looking back, what social change can the Nigerian Bar Association point out as its achievement in this area? Has the association been able to bring any social change in the area of poverty? What about unemployment, has it brought any social change? Thus, the problem of social change is one of the challenges facing the Nigerian Bar Association.


The Nigerian Bar Association is one of the respectable associations in Nigeria. The members of this association should be courageous enough to bring the needed reform to Nigeria.


Culled from Information Guide Nigeria

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